Monday, July 28, 2008

Testimonials from FHL Week

Here are some testimonials received this week during Faith Hope and Love Week:

"Everyone was so appreciative of our time and work: and even though we weren't able to do some of our tasks to completion, I felt that our interaction with others was more important. I could "live out" the "experience" instead of just completing a task. Thank you."
–– Tammy D. with Christus Youth Goup/Youth Work Groups

"It was really fun" –– Paige D. with Oakland U.M.C.

"Overall this experience was really great! I really feel that this community was blessed to have us! I know that I will continue helping. This made my faith/belief stronger with God : ) Thanks for letting us help!" –– Hannah T. with Christus Luthern Church

"Even though the work was hard, it was nice to see the people happy when we were done."
–– Dana R. with Christus Youth Work Groups

"Love Out Loud! This has been an awesome experience for all our youth."
–– Donna B. with Oakland Methodist Youth Group

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